03-5846-8575 Weekday9:00〜18:00
For a bright future for both workers and
companies A human resource service
company that builds bridges.


About Us

People looking for the ideal way to work and companies seeking the best human resources for their business. We want to build bridges and open up the future so that both of them can shine.
REIWASTAR is a human resource service company that connects people and companies.

Looking for a job?

We at REIWASTAR are a temporary staffing and placement agency. We offer a variety of work styles in a wide range of industries.
We help people who are looking for a temporary staffing agency for the first time as well as those who are looking for a job where they can make the most of their career.
Please feel free to contact us even if you have no experience, are middle-aged or older, or are a foreign national.

For those looking for human resources

We at REIWASTAR are able to quickly find the right people to meet your company’s needs. We offer temporary staffing, temp-to-perm, and placement services, enabling us to provide the most suitable personnel in a style of employment suited to your business.
We also introduce foreign workers to meet the needs of globalization.